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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
i cant believe this but im actually FINALLY BACK TO SINGAPORE AND CANT BE ANY MORE HAPPIER honestly the sports trip was ... fine. not sand fly attacked me bed bugs attacked me mosquitos attacked me housefly irritatingly clinging on to me and 1 ant bit me ughhhhh indonesia is pretty interesting and everything ((; but but but is like this camp is not worth my 100 bucks 10 bucks maybe? okok not unreasonable. maybe the very most 35? the dorms were like a nightmare to me lahh. and the last place i wan to go is actually the dorm haha the ironyy bcos is very very very squeezy and for an exceptionally fat person like me it is a very big difficulty. i swearr. and next is because of all the sand in the dorm like everywhere. on my bed and everything plus everyone's dirty shoes were all piled up and is like 0.0 hill trek was reallly fun but unfortunately somehow the food i ate was like wierddd and smth happened in my gastric and i puked so i ended up last to reach there paiseh to the max i tell youu next boom netting <<33 it was like mad funn though takes courage to jump into the sea but it was quite ok lah hahah next dayyy its the sky walk and kayaking kayaking was fun yep yepp as usualll <333 it then comes the sky walk is like so so so -.- the climbing up the tree, the walking on the beam AND THE JUMPING DOWN TYHE BEAM omgomgomgomg so please ppl the feeling's like crapp dont jump down for great heights it was actually fine and fun but at first when you jump is like you really is going to die dont feel the harness or anything hahaha' but yeahh it was a not bad experiene hahahahhah LAST DAYYYY WHHOO flying fox and coconut tree climbing im like one of the few lucky ones to complete the coconut climbing cos the activity had to end due to the weather hahahs but it was tough lah come on FLYING FOX WAS FUN AND SUPER SCARY it took some time for me to have the courage to like fly down i kept talking to the guy hahaha; make myself distracted but yes when i got down i wondered why in the world did i take so long to get down -.- ughh. it was like FUNNNN. next time i try im going to jump downn. hahahhahh. everyone has their fears and we should accept them for who they are, be it their weaknesses or strengths. okay, yes, blog re-opened . yay. dun like it just sushh, so apparently this blog is just going to be a place for me to trash anything here random posts, announcements anything dude. BBQ WAS SO FUN GUYS! LOVE YOU ALLLL even though starting the fire took 3h or so, mad took the thong and accidentally scalded me, it hurts like crap but nvm i love you. but still she got burnt too :/ yeah. fair enough. oh btw, HUISHI, YOUR HOUSE IS LIKE HUMONGOUSLY GINORMOUSLY BIG *envy envy** i mean dude, a pool table? table soccer ?? karaoke room? dunno how many stories? and omg omg tht place of yours~!~ shall rob into your house someday IF ONLY YOUR HOUSE DOESNT HAVE A SECURITY CAMERA AND A BIG ASS SIREN so yeah not possible for me to get there. so i'll just have to live life whining about how your house rock and nicole's house and in fact, a lot of st nick's girls' houses rich ppl hmms :/ OHOHOH. SALT WAS COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL BUT WHEN IT ENDS I WAS LIKE WTH. i hate open-endings dude # a movie : Vampire sucks is coming soon SO GOING TO CATCH IT! its actually just twilight stuff, but they give it a twist or so and it is hilarious will be is like a parody? the short trailer showed Jacob turning into a chihwawa instead. haha :DDD in response with earth day. long time ago but dears, this effects we're going to face would come and smack our faces real hard lets play our part people. just lose tht damn plastic bag, we've got hands and really cool bags that are created just for us, to lose the plastic bags and yet you guys go for tht filmsy anutie looking bag and think tht the environment frenly bag is auntie looking?? hmms hmms you guys sure have to be really reflective (: see yourself in bags and bags of white plastics and stuff unglamness. then you can throw tht image aside and see yourself in a bag decent cool environment frenly bag everything you bought inside one all-in-one bag isnt it so much much better? DO OUR PART PPL WILL BE REALLY DEAD FOR LONG, CIAO I'M ANGRIER THAN AN ANGRY BEE WHOSE MAMA IS ANGRY AT HIM FOR HIS FATHER IS ANGRY AT HER . WHICH MAKE ME ANGRIER THAN THE ANGRY BEE THAN THE ANGRIER MAMA THAN THE ANGRIEST BABA. YES YES YES IM REQUESTED TO BE OUT OF YOG " NEEDED FOR COMPETITON" WHAT??!! AND WHAT NATIONALS? WHEN AND HOW DID I THROW THAT FAR AND QUALIFY FOR NATIONALS??!!!! WHATS WRONG WITH THE SCH, EVERYTHING IS WRONNG ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I JOIN TRACK COS I HAD TO HELP AND IT IS TAKING AWAY MY OTHER INTERESTS! GAHHHHHHH \ I SWEAR IM GOING TO GET THIS RIGHT TIME FOR SOME JUSTICE IM GOIN TO SIT THEM DOWN TOGETHER TIE THEM , GLUE THEM WHATEVER GET THIS ON THE RIGHT TRACK HEY LOVE BIRDS :D is VALENTINE'S DAY so here to wish you guys happy valentine's day and those love birds out there stay sweet and lovely ;D to my dear dear frens , here to thank you all for this great and fun relationship LOVE YOU GUYS REAL MUCH <33 and of course, is the same old CHINESE NEW YEAR Still , hope you guys had fun while i stayed at home and stoned:3 you cruel people >:D nahh nahh. you guys rockk and my blog will be real dead. im real sorry :D IM A FREAKING LOSER WHOSE HARD WORK DOESNT PAY OFF AND, WTF, IM STILL NOT OVER IT. IM STILL A FREAKING LOUSY PLAYER AFTERALL |