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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Hihi! Haizz...Too much homework! Havin disaster with homework:(But not really a lot la.. complain too much liao la:P I had almost finish all of them left the stupid OE la! The passage so stupid. 1 more week to basketball competition :) Weehee:))Also 1 moree week to learning journey trip to KAMPONG GLAM..Bei lin n vanni pls come online soon :)) Then vanni u change ur blog ar? why cannot go arh? got wad page not found. nvm when u come online u tell me ur blog i linkk u okayss? .YUTING. Hello:)) Finally, my com finally fixed! *high* My father now then go and send for repair :( But nvmm im bac! Bei lin created the blog so cutte! Work hard :)) Today very wad lor.. fought with the chou putra! Going to be either vice head or head liao still say f. Omggg he admittssss that he like sylvia. sylvia.. u mus give up ur daryl le. he still ask me for the address! then i go joke say he wan ask her out he still say yes worr.. so SWEEET Very sweet lorr. sylvia wish u luckk bah. Yays to mdm foo! we going malaysia! actually not very excited la.. malaysia only ;(( thought wad lehhhx but nvmm Bei lin mus see this post horr .YUTING. Hihi! WTH lor.. today first day of school:O Then the mother tounge class kena transfer into 6C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! All because of the stoopid Higher mother tounge thingy!! I must have higher mother tongue to get into chinese A or B class :(( so damn saddd! Worst still the teacher sososoo!!! Darnnn! STRICT AND STERN AND QIAN BIAN Then there very cold. I no partner:( only one in class who sit alone. But nvm Raymond also not willing to sit with wei xiang so also counted as 1 person la.. Then wei xiang also not really want to sit with him so 3 person lorr but as i said i only one sitting ALLONE!! :(((( Yays to tamilyn! She was transfered to 6B !!! LOlz.. she came back then i went to A class :( Even mother tounge also no time to see each other.Today she gave me a belated birthday prezzie! very cute lor. But my birthday was like quite long ago. Nvm Nvm! Anyways, we will not be sharing classroom so mdm ling had asked if our class could decorate our own tables!!! So they agreed then we were like so high thinking of wad to do with the tables. Can paster poster and things like that. Just ANYTHING! So good.. Well i do not really have any idea on wad to do with the table:p Liling wants to paste her fei lun hai poster everywhere on the table which is okayy lar.. But i think is like quitee a little bit to idolishh lols gotta go revise work le byees!! .YUTING. |