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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
hoho ppl back to posting yeah? [: haha sian now havin headache yesterday had water fight now tio headache sad luhh must say a big thank you to mr raymond scott lee[: yeahh euu pour th whole bottle of th freakingly big bottle of water on me[: yeah yeah okay not biased mr quah yu kiat[: euu pour th water in my ears ]: and erm mr daryl chien[: euu threw th basketball right at my face! lol i suay lahh kena attacked by th 3 of them and some of th girls freakk they surround me and all of thm pour like so shuang yeahhh th juniors din attack me[: guai[: but attacked vanni hoho she was maddd luh lol thn go ikea and giant buy roller blade! hoho endin off [: .YUTING. mirror image[: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yuwen and yuting[: me and bro![; tunnel[: sisterss[: lol we look alike [: strangle euu mr fountain![: er? on com- cam! in th gallery[: touch screen com[: on -th -floor television[: SIngapore flyer! see th diff? hoho went to th marine barrage yesterday woots nice lah can see th diff in colours for th brackish water and sea water! hoho thn blah blah, played at th water playground and went to th coolest gallery ever whoa is high-tech and erm most of thm are physical sensoring programmed de woots thn took pics blahhh blahh thn next went to th telok what wht hill climb th bridge freakingly long and tiring thn we were like chipping on our chips and blah blah haha i sound attituded freakk me thn erm go pick saga seeds nice sehh lol thn erm nxt stop was east coast park! whooaa i rented roller blade budden skate skate suddenly th rain so damn big lahh deyys thn me and my sis was drenced frm head to toe freakkk th rain lol th roller blade smooth sehh' nice nice lahh, my sis fell! woots haha i cruel lahh okkay, thn next stop was? er ohh ya, went to eat dinner thn we went to home team ns again thn go game room play luh thn me n my sis went to jacuzzi and soaked out feet lol lucky din tio scolding lah lol thn th sauna there smelly like hell lah lol sian thn went home luh freakk and erm today bball was funn[: we had water fight and we were all wet and i mean WET! =D btw i hereby declare that Daryl Chien is my GRANDSON![: hohoho lazy edit pics lahh lol, buhh byeee .YUTING. Tags replied ppl [: Jasz♥: Hehehe[: paisehh luh,[: sylvia[: : LOLLIPOP! miss euu damn lots too![:haha, ilyily♥ ` jieyi.TAN -: Well, thanks[: th luck is not useless yeah?[: Sabs: Yeahh! i rmb euu [: will link euu up soon yeah? Skyblader: Did i mention tht i hate euu for th sabo-ing? haha [: Qi En: Hehe paisehh luhh psps ;P tyty for taggin, ilyily♥ [♥] Pei yee: Haha, thanks[: Li ling: LOL, haha, ilyily too !♥ #1. What characteristic(s) must your "love" have? Hmm, respect;caring;nice;easy-going blah blahhh #2. What musical instrument(s) would you like to be able to play? Guitar & drum [im playin th guitar now-.-] #3. Who do you turn to when you need help? Someone tht can help me in tht particular problem #4. What is your most favourite sport ever? BASKETBALLLL! [duhh,imabasketballer] #5. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Somewhere on earth, euu expect me to go to MARS?! #6. What gets you angry? When someone tries to act th boss and irritants around me [: #7. What would you like to tell the person that likes you? Hmm, nice joke you've got there; look i gotta go [: cyaa #8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Err.. i dun have eyes to see myself in 5 yrs time euu know? #9. Have you ever fallen for someone? Well, its natural;but i always get over it [: #10. What do you think of the word "love" It is made up of 4 alphabets l-o-v and e and a noun/verb, it depends on how euu use it [: #12. What do you want ? Darn lots of stuff. euu expect me to list thm out? #13. What is your persepective of sec. school? ITS CHEMISTRY TIME!![: #14. What do you love? Isn't it something like what euu want? of cus wht i like is wht i want-.- #15. What do you feel when you see a fight between friends? Whats wrong with their communication? #16. What is your second profession? Why not ask me my first? ermm, make tht crapping[: #17. If you could change something in the world what would you change? Change? wasnt tht a job for god? #18. If love should ever so-happen to "slap you on the face" what would you do? nth #19. Why? Can i not say anything? coz idk! #20. 5 people I tag: Li ling BAOBEIIX❤ Vanni LAOPO❤ Xinge GIRLFRENN❤ Jaspreet TWINS❤ Qi en HONEY❤ TH TEARS JUST FLOW DOWN LIKE AN IDIOT WHO FORGOT TO TURN OFF TH FREAKY TAP ON FULL BLAST Yeahh todayy was very emotional my tears was on a on&off mode saw xin tong and miss kaur cry so I was getting teary yeahh budden later relaxed liao luh but when go up gallery then blahh blahh sylvia cried a little then dunno why go down canteen suddenly feel like crying again! coz sylvia like cry also lah thn i also! noob me i see mdm ling then i will cry for whatever reason thn me n sylvia did noot eat pizzas we were cryin there haha thn like xue ying was like sayin tht she no feeling thn suddenly cry actually b4 tht already cooled down thn she cry i cry >.< thn sylvia cry thn i also blahh blahh thn like mdm ling also wan cry liao then li lin suddenly cry' sh actually like dunn have tears for crying haha thn suddenly burst out liddat buay tahan lah lol thn had water fight thn plae with my darlings thn went to michele's house fun niaa we used her clothings though :] haha ayia sadd lah wan cry again!! dunno how is mdm ling now siann dun wan say le lahh btw mr daryl lim euu verry troublesome ah write so much thn need reply sian lahh ohhkay my reply: LOL hehe buhh byees .YUTING. Heyy Went to th home team ns and went to sing karaoke with my cousins and th family members mostly is th children singing luh but my lao ba and my uncle got sing some luh sang some songs with my uncle lol before tht went to eat dinner and there was deer meat?! i actually ate it ... but sianz luhh sing frm 10-12++ saddd luhh we still had a lot of songs not sang sian sian thn uncle thought us th 2 hands turning in and out de i only one cannot coz my left brain like shit thn they sing sing i was there trying so harddd ;D Hard work paid off luhh i did it [: thn sing sing luhh yeahh btw my lao ba and uncle drank so much beer and red wine thy actually was drunk and was gaying around actually not gaying lah is liek thy siao diao thn was like -_-'' okkays ending off buhh byess [: .YUTING. Taggs replied[: {♥} liwennn: JIE♥ sylvia: Love euu 4ever luhh♥ Li ling: Ily too♥ [b.lin]♥: Lol whatever lah, i got it frm qi en anyway Hy: Will link euu up soon yeah? ilyily♥ Li ling; Bao beii loved by me too[: rock on!♥ Xinge: Haha tyty I love GIRLFRENN♥ Qi En♥: Hehe, ilyily honeyy♥ Hey ppl, jus came back frm cwp went with my darlinggs<33 went to library thn went to shopshop sadd luhh sylvia lollipop[: & jaspreet twins[: did not come sehh went to borrow books luhh thn wanted to go popular buy assesments but like dunno which to choose so nxt time buy ohh yah b4 we went inside mdm ling suddenly pop out in frnt of me;P haha li ling baobeiix also predicted it she saw mdm ling boardin a bus and she said tht she was goin cwp haha thn she got th movie tickets thn gave out luhh i mayb sittin beside mdm ling luhh idkidk we still planning if we wan to change our seats this mondae goin watch sing to th dawn yeahhh er, ohh yeahhh went inside and saw huimin, rachel anthea regine ayana ... idk liao >.< yeahh so went to chat with them then lik we went our own ways luhh sadd lahh, li ling cant stay any longer b4 we headed to timezone, she went home freakk lahh i go check my time zone card got 1 buck left only lahh then erm i got 4 points? noob lahh this is not even enough for a freakky wooden pencil thn th xinge and qi en paid for th gogoballs th thing woots thn like very lann lahh th ball so little somemore one of th ball was split into halves noob lahh =_= okkays lets talk back in school sylvia din come coz she went checkup sadd luh but i was being appointed to do th searching of pics for th graduation thiingy lah thn so cute luhh alot of thm [: cute cute luhh i kena shot a lot of times... NOOB! coz like campland tio choir tio th most thn th prefect th thing also thn got th pic which i gave mr reddy th pic i drew i drew him >.< thn kena chosen so gave him i remember tht i drew sr nathan thn jus add th moustache and glasses haha heng luhh kena chosen okkay th xue ying soo cutee[: got one is scratch head de shit luhh i got quite a no, of my idiotic pics ]: do already thn went to th rehearsel thing of cus not performing luhh thn like go play with skipping rope xue ying and i bcame to be reporters haha we took th rope as th mic then do like siao then we made a family called JIKOPEI FAMILY[: haha thn ply pig i bcame siao and went around to collect watches i wore 7 watches [: haha very funn luhh ending off yeahh .YUTING. THT.TBC!!!! Euu really suckk girl, i dunno how to sayy but tht is really th only thing i wan to say to euu euu suuckk and i mean 101% succkishh mayb theres no such word but so what? i am a so called idiot to euu im one of them yeahh so? at least thy are not th ppl like euu absolutely euu stole both of *their frenship yeahh euu used ur own freakky &selfish mind euu squeezed in between tht frenship then, euu stick, so tight, so close tht euu forgotten euu had hurt her before deeply inside frogive and forget yeahh i know but, tht hurt is too deep if i were her whats wrong with euu whats up with euu trying to be th boss euu do this to *them call thm whatever euu wan euu call th shots th thing is euu are not th boss here make tht clear *they hate euu for snatching her* and trying to control them they* have feelings not ur puppet not ur dog so stop trying to act th boss i think euu dunno abt th numerous no. of ppl who hate euu tht much i mean tht much if this idiot here knows what it meant so must euu i dont care if i hurt euu or not euu hurt way more ppl than this wht do euu think ur attitude stinks really really stinkss tht innocent looking face makes euu think tht euu look soo cute and soo like angel but stare at th mirror euu stink euu suck euu will see wht will happen to euu i dunno wht but i know th hurt euu brought to us will then haunt euu like hell .YUTING. Yoyo! Haha since qi en and bei lin wan me to do th survey so do for fun luhh bei lin ur blog dun allow me to copy lahh >.< took qi en's one[: 1.Hu r ur best fwenz? ALL my lovedd lahh can seee right? 2.Wad is the name of ur bf?Do eu love him? Ohh pls.. I dun have one how to see if i love him or not >.< 3.What do euu think are important in ur life? Hmm, dignity;family;frenz;monayy$$ and erm..loyalty? 4.Hu do eu hate most? Qpy luhh 5.Had eu ever lost some1 eu luv b4? Well, not really yeahh.. 6.Does any1 luv eu? Hu r dey? Why ask me? ask god lahhh 7.Wad r ur dreams? Er... go to good sch and then succeed? 8.When is the dae eu last meet Angela n tom/ Qiqi n tom toqether How in th world will i know? 9.Wad do eu tink of doin dis survey? Stupid? 10.If eu onli had last min 2 survive..Wad will eu do? Pray hard; close my eyes and then wait for me to die 11.Wad do eu wan 2 do most? Well, sleep;crap;shop? 12.Hu do eu lyk 2 hanq out wib? Of course all my darlings lahh 13.Hw do eu meet Xinge , Jaspreet and Angela? I met xinge when she jus transferred sch to my class then jaspreet is i met her at p5? Angela is i met her when i took care of her class. 14.Amounq all ppl eu noe..Choose 7 of them eu trust most! Xue ying, sylvia, li ling, li wen, michele, qi en, xinge? 15.Choose 5 ppl 2 do dis survey~! Li ling Baobei; Xinge Girlfren; Ling ting jie; xiaoping mei; li wen jie |