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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
YEAHH since my darllingg GIRLFRENN{; wants me to update i shall updatttee ogmomgomg SAY YO TO 2009[: wahahaha yesterdayy went to sakuraa[: buffettt lala thn like ohhkayyy -.- coz went there like darn lots timme theres this new machine for children to plae thn my bro and y uncle were like tryin to get tht psp thing but in th end got 4 monokoro boo mirrors and ermmm 2 dunno wht thingg sad sadd sadd thnn ermm slackk there i vandalised on th tissue paper writin darn lots of shit wahaha i wrote there [dont laugh if euu see this] [or else i tell ur boss] wahaha me is th evilll lol and yeahh after tht actually wanted to go th wht countdown partaayy but dun wan lah siann thn next suggestion was go karaoke!! woots wooots HIGHH HIGHH lol but aunt's frenn th karaoke did not open so sadd plan to go homee wahaha budden halfway we decided to go granma house thn we were tryin to speed up th car and go beside my aunt's car luckyy red light thn told her we goin her house thn rou yinnngg was likke hiiighh highhh muahaha thn playy mahjong [: thn since li ling told me to go plae tmr rouu ying started to highh lol so both my cousins went to sleepover at my house thn we stayed up late chatting bout their sch life realisedd thy havee a very bei shang de sch life lol shiitttyy, my eyes very itchy soo now my eyes are like [-.-] yeahh thn later goin roller bladinn with rou yinng muahaha buhh byee[: taggs replied[: [b.lin]♥: lol, tyty for th bday wishes[: XINGE: yeahh i hope so too[: but i went to st nicks]: li linqq: damn cute yaw?[: [b.lin]♥: updatedd Jasz♥: lol, really yaw[: joei: hohoho[: euu too yeah? xiaohan: hehe[: wishes accepted and honoured[: -Kah hui: CANNNDYYY!!lovelovelove [♥]LINGTING: JIEE lovedd lovedd[; peiyee:]: haha tyty[: tctc too[: Pearlyn: hohoho[: lol, not smart lahh, miss euu damn lots too[;yeah went st nich -Yan ying: lol, thankkss[: Xinge: hohohoo[; tyty for th song yaww[: {♥} Jas: yo steadyy freaking miss euu[: lovelove euu yaww[; last shot of th dayy drunkards; lol HOHOHO humannns[: well sorry for not updating yaw? here to wish everyone a BELATED MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEARRR! yeahh we wish euu a lalalala lalala crapppp ohhkay todae went to th party world ktv with rouuu , jueee , wennn and tinggg[me] haha first time 4 of us go alone sehh thn we booked a room and sang for hours nice freedommm rouu rouu euu can go learn drivin in 2 yrs timeee omg can bring us shop shopp ;D took lots of pics and went home at 8pm ++ lol fun fun funnn lahh will upload pics soon this freakky problemm with mahh phonee ]: sorry yaw]; i miss mahhh darlingss yaw omgomgomg haha buhh byee[: .YUTING. hoho humanns[: yeah yeah ystrdy was sucky th party came to disaster plus was kena misunderstood and everyone thought tht i and raymond organised th party together freak much? lala was siann th boys had a fight whn playing soccer yeahh its always like tht we went to distrub thm with sudden attacks of water bombs thn slackk justin payy tok cock i sort of slapped him -.- lol ohhkay not like really slap lahh like push his face thn he was like yuting slapped mee *cries* thn lala planned to go jaspreet house play water fight but smth happened so we went to yu hinn housee[: omgg we were so tempted to accidentally drop into th poool! haha thn on th way to jas house justin was toking cock again and again -.- thn to yu hin tok cock again he keep saying tht on 23rd must buy gundam for him esp me freak himm lol why me lahhh thn yu hin's house was like so darn cool lots of lego stuff thn slackk go playground plae blind mice JUSTIN PAYY JING HANN! freakkk why keep sabo-ing meee *cries* lol thn plae until 6++ justin was like toking wht shit bout bowlin and wnted us to go bowlingg zzz seee firsttbahh haha buhh bye[: taggs replied[: ` jieyi.TAN -: haha indeed[: [♥] Linqtinq: hohoho[: yeahh Franciely: haha thanks[: xinge:lol thanks for taggin[: Skyblader: lol so kua zhang? identical twins haha[: {♥} Jas: STEADDY LOVED BY MEE<33 xinge: hehe ily too {♥} Jas: haha thanksss[: no need presennt lahh[: Qi En♥: hehe hope euu like th prezzie luhh[: haha me proo {♥} liwennn: jieeee<3 ♥sylvia: LOLLIPOP! hoho[: loved <3 lilinqq: haha pity euu [: hh: euuu???? xinge: haha actually todaee[: lilinqq: haha thanks for tht warm welcome , ily{: xinge: thanks for tht big welcome[: xinge: thx for taggin{: qq: ong yuuu wennn, -.- dun lame th seats of th five star buss rawrrrr! shania and zi ling, say OK! haha and CHEESE! Hohoho ppl[: goin to post about mahhh trip to ayer tawar Yeah yeah is standard lala [: ohhkay here comes [Day 1] yeahhh yeahhh i reached th same police station[: and ermm since is too early yeahhh th earliest since so many years so so so we decided to walk back home long wayyyy lalala veryyy long wayyy thn reached there ahh gong wake up liao?! sO earlllyyy blehhh dun enjoy th life of sleepin hahaha thn slackk there budden went to eat kampua lol Thn come backk slacckkk luh played wih zi linggg hhaa budden went cyclin with bro thn were cyclin halfway when suddenly dogs barkinggg lol i told xuan ming not to run coz if run th dogs will chase mahh so he got down th bike and pushed the bike and thn ran -.- so all th dogs chased him thn th dogs surrounded me thn i was like gave thm th diao face thn went away but my stupidd bro go run lol summore push th bike and run shldnt it be cycle away? lol haha but th dogs also chase a little bit thn sian liao haha lucky broo lalaalaaa slacckkk [Day 2] wahhhlaooo for this day is scaryy ohhkay? ohhkay it was actually ohkay at first buddennnn ohh my gawdd happened b4 we wanted to go have dinner suddenly de whole neighbourhood was like th wire caught fireee llaalaa is tht kind of wire euu see outside yeahhh euu know? got birds rest there de? lol not very bigg lahh but look at th things tht may happen? science thn come haha plastic= will melt so when it melts th wire will thn snap and hence causin th bushes below to catch fire too and if any plastic melted gets onto anyone he/she is goin to scream like hell lol ohhkay thn th fire got bigger and bigger we called th ppl to fix but it took hours for thm to come lala fixed liaoo happy [: we were actually plannin of campin outside th house yeah? [Day 3] hohohooo its th dayyy thh dayyy to make egg rollss haha hmm its jus like bbq-ing lol funnn siohhh freakk i wan do again shall not talk aout how to do it look for me personally and i'll tell euu[: haha went motor-bikin lala of cus not i bike lahhh, my lao ba i know little bit ride b4 short distance lala [Day 4] ohhkayyy lala went templee haha th guanyin niang niang say i need fang sheng she see my wu guan say not good lahh must fang sheng hohoho my lao ba bought 6 birds and i went fang sheng-ing lol happy lahh thn ermmm, poor zi ling keep falling haha [: thn went the store shop shoppp i wann skateboarddddd i sawww skateboardd !! i wan skateboard i wanskateboarddd freakk ohhkay i shall relac[: and erm went to eat pizzahut weird taste? lol but fillin[: hehehe cheapp luhhh lol demandin for morrrree[: haha [Day 5] hmmmmf errr let me thinkkk wht happened ohh ya erm, went to pangkor to buy things my sis wanted to buy smth for her frens' lala i bought for my darlings b4 le thn erm paissehhh this time dun have th things there so damn ex? freakk i saw lulu belle thingss i likeee lahh zi ling th slipper toree haha ke lian walk until liddt [Day 6] siannn last dayyy slackk at home luhh my bro sickk lala so ermmm din really go out siann luh' ohhkay thn th bus was delayed wht shit? lol we booked th five star de bus got th tv thing see liao so darn dizzy? lol th bus so darn fastt scary lahhh thn reached home liao 4+ so slacck and watched monster inc haha 6+ thn sleep 11+ woke up sis was buggin me she want to eat maggie lol pics at next postttt .YUTING. Hohohohooo[: hahass im backkk ppl![; miss me much? nahhhh jkjk hmmm, lets see welll,now very lazy siahhh dun wan upload picss lol i love zi linggg!<3> whats darn cute? lol ayia next time i will upload pic hahaha and ermmm, i have to slackkk now, i arrived 4.45 in th mornin watched tv till 6.30 then sleep/ thn 11.30 woke upp freakkk, i wan sleeppp haha now my gastric veryyy uncomfortable lahhh ]: 3 more dayyys too thhhh results! i wan river valley!!! despooo despoo yeahhhhh freakkk i need go slack liaooo buhhh bbye{: Hoho ppl[: this is goin to be a short post yeah? ohhkay now im in a cafe at ayer tawar they got th free wifi there lol yesterdayy kena forced to rebond hair lol painnn' i'll never do it againnnn ermm, ohhkay i bought stuffs got this cute sport shirt? hohoho ohh btw, i will be comin backk on 15 dec. haha my lao ma go make her hair curly lol veryyy funny now? and ermmm, still got wht'? will reply taggs soon, perhaps goin to when i get home? [: and will upload photos alsoo haha goin shoppinnnnn [; and will be releasing th result of which sch euu all goin [: good luckk luhh, to myself too [: buhh byee[: hohoho ppl![: lol ermm, paisehhh for long time no post :D paisehhh eh? my birthday was like -.- diao? siannn ]: but i still wan thank my darlings for tht big big monkeyy! btw i found out th price =.= wht 60 million pounds? lol $39.95 -.- haishh haisshhh th birthday was like standard? i dun like th cake but ok lahh actually wan tht oreo moose -.- but lao ma say like not freshhh lmao idk idkkk erm and wht? ohh ya im goin off to ayer tawar dun sms or call me! or elsee euu payyy [: hahaha and ermm qi ennn tht teddy bearrr charm got my sharee ehh? hohoho and ermmm, jus packed my clothes lol siann lahh bagg too small now lao ma naggin bout mee lalala freakkk, okok will missss euu alls ,<3 hohoho and ermm can someone jus plan th bball outing? mr raymonnnndd euuu wanted to go escape de [: plannnnn ohhh myyy gawd i had enough planing for th last time and no one went yeahhhhh euu all are evil~~ anddd looking forward to tht bball outing and ice skatinnnn![: misses and lovess<3 buuhh byyee[: .YUTING. |