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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
ohh yeahhs ppl im seriously burying myself into homework so yeapps i will not post often i wanted to post on my semakau trip and th nice nice pics but euu can all visit XENIA's blog to see bahh but ohh wells i will still post whn im free buhh byees[: Yuting will be on MIA ]: wells, TAGGED BY XENIA!♥ Name 20 people, at the end of the survey choose 5 people to do this survey. DO NOT READ THE Qs.RANDOM ORDER :seriously, i jumpled them up. 1.Xue Ying 2.Sylvia 3.Li ling 4.Jaspreet 5.Li wen 6. Qi en 7. Xinge 8.Justin 9.Daryl 10. Yu hin 11.Raymond 12. Min ting 13. Xenia 14. Rachel 15. Felicia 16. Faith 17. Vanni 18. Evangeline 19.Nicole 20. ABI toh 1. How did you meet 14 ?[Rachel] ohh, whn i was so unlucky to get a seat bside her first day of sch ;D 2. What will you do if you have not met number 1 ?[ xue ying] ohh, that will be weird, shes my SIS [: as in euu kn0w not real sis duhh-.- 3. What if number 9 & 20 dated each other ?[daryl and abi toh] ohh nohh, daryl's girlfren will get jealous while abi toh may puke;D 4. Will number 6 & 17 date each other ?[ Qi en and vanni] wahahas, i will see how thy do it 5. Describe number 3[Li ling] Zi highhh[: and hardworking [: tt why she got 261 and cried-.- 6. Do you think number 8 is attractive[Justin] ahhha, he's th hottest shit lah 7. Describe number 7 [Xinge] shes a super duper hardworkin girl ;D and she loves me{; 8. Do you know any family members of number 12 ?[Min ting] ohh. does her dog count? 9. What language does number 15 speaks?[Felicia] thts tricky. i think alien. she crap a lot 10.Who is number 9 hanging out with all the time ?[Daryl] idk for now, dota frens? and constance? 11.How old is number 16 this year?[Faith] 31 duhh -.- nahh shes 13 12.How is number 2 favourite singer, actor , actress or band ?[Sylvia] idkidk. i only know shes obsessed with th top 10 shuai ges in her list 13. Have you dated number 4 ? [Jaspreet] duhh-.- we go oudd together-.- with others too 14. Had you ever date number 1?[xue ying] yepps of course, shes my sistaa 15. Is number 19 single now ?[Nicole] nope. shes having an affair with her cello 16. What is number 10 last name ?[Yu Hin] Edwin 17. Would you ever be in relationship with 11 ?[Raymond] WHOA. THATS HARSH. i will kill myself! 18. What's the school of number 3 ?[Li ling] River valley!! 19. Where does number 6 stay ?[Qi en] Admiralty 20. What is your favourite thing about number 5 ?[Li wen] Everything;D Now choose 5 people to do this survey ; ANYONE ;D IM KINDD[: HELLOHS ;D yeashh today was tiring went netball and met min ting for breakfast at mac and went to discuss PE stuffs thn crap we wrote on the napkins since we dont have any paper bleahhs and shhh dun leak out this to th mac workers hahas\ but we use tht to clean too mahs ohkay th FELICIAA joined us at 12.07 yeashh i know tth exact time hahas she wore her contacts ahhh and we were discussing about lunges yeahh which we cracked our brains to find th right spelling yahh as euu can see, we din really get it did we? felicia was like LUNGES?! like wht? taking ur lungs out and squeeze it? hahas and thn min ting was like laughing like heck and her damn funny face made me laff like hell saw cheng mei i know say ahhhhhhh hahas love her like heck thn slack slack went home AI LING! told me tt sports sch got sell netball shoe but i went and ended up watching a competition THEY DIN SELL IT! yeahh im sadd saw her there too she was so upset; so was i?! yeah thn went CWP with mum bought clothes and went to see some netball shoes I BOUGHT REEBOOK BOTTLE ahhaha thn met SYLVIA!! AND LILING!! went to run with thm 2.4 km wahahas yeah thn played badminton until like 8pm went home lalas shall end here;D insanity here pls rachel;susana;me[: mountain? nahh this look more like mountain me and tht hamburger rachel me and mad, yeahh i dun look like her duh cheese! ting, yeahh see why i call her hamburger rachel hello, hello crappers yeahhs i know i kept my blog dead yups i came back with pics yeshh camwhored since 2 periods of english with no tcher yeayyy i played basketball befor class so euu can see my towel ahh unglamm unglam but oh wells i jus realise i cant join thm for breakfast on tue ahhh i got check up but so, i think im goin ahhaha im goin to spend my fares on goin to breakfast with thm well actually idk but mondayy yay goin to tampinies mall and will go to hambuger's house woots im getting th hang of netball yeashh so shutup yay netball training next week 3 weeks and wth to 4 suicides ohhkays gotta find some nice skins for this old one hahas buhhbyes(: Freaking brother, Freaking life Yeahhs freakin shit brother, hesucks like heck yeahh he made excuses and the blame is on me YAY! whtever lah. its always like tht th cycle repeats he will [bully] me and thn give a damn holy innocent face and says, no loh, is she do one i din do anything o.o yeahs. cute one yu ting, get over it you have to face this everytime no end yeah thank you freakin shit, \ stupid mum i jus wanted to make my stand and there goes another gift for me freak my lifee! shld leave earlier gah |