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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Thank you for being there everytime![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM HAN ! 260909 XOXO just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!:D so sorry i rmb your bday wrongly D: so sorry i guess it will be a belated present then D; but it will be great ! serious' hope it will be better than that toilet bowl D: with a poo smiling and squirts water through its nose :P
lalas, Trusting one hurts everything in netball went wrong today? D: i know , its sad, disappointing , betrayed but all these. we are still a team right ;D so NETBALLERS CHEER UP like what i did, forget it yeapps (: and thinking about it, do we really share our feelings well with each other? errm not really honestly, thats why we should practice confinding our feelings towards each other :D so heyy, we're a teamm. what we need to succeed, is to trust each other think of each other, like our minds could read :D wahaha, so deep. but really. this is the basic thing we need to have a strong foundation to our netball skills play as a team, we need communication right ? C: so shall we all cheer up together, forget today and take a step forward dont look back :D to faith, (if you happen to read this) don't be too sad about this, as i explained to you why we react this way because we care and view you as a friend we trust and care for i mean, who would care if a stranger didnt believe or trust another person along the street. its just the way we view is different, sometimes, look around the people around you and really know them like _________( she really was upset) and all she felt was like ( ) just being beside you, maybe she or anybody else is not as close to you but really we should care for each other well, and trusting each other is also an important factor for a stronger friendship and also a team. :D Just break down and shut up heyy heyy :D OMG OMG ohkay, today was chinese review test . and is like idk idk, not very badd :d and ahh, tmr is chen test and im still slacking here and yeappp i am th first to use this super idiot flat and wide damn screen which shines so freaking bright and wth' is so .. dun think i will be using this damn com, is like so ? im gonna stick to the old one :D FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION SUCKS >> CHEMISTRY TEST ;O >> MATHS REVIEW TEST;OO\ >> I NEED NETBALL TO START EARLY TMR >> GEOGRAPHY TESTT >> I NEED TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE STUDPID DISTILLATION >>KIM'S BIRTHDAY IS COMING !;D >> I DUN RMB THE DATE ;X Nobody but you ![]() PROPOSAL! :D haha it was damn funny :3 where shall we start >;@ amm, ohkay starting was kinda boring but quite funny actually , but not that funny compared to the other parts shld go catch this movie! :D the funny part starts when like the magaret (main actress) went to th alaska with the guy, lol, and the damn random dogg DAMN FUNNNNY and wth, i need to pee at the middle of the movie and is actually kind of sick technically supposed to be nc16? idkidkidk. but its damn funny :D and . everyone hates her! ()()()() wakakax. nicole was super happy she wasnt here like wth, finally they see her irritations bleahh bleahh, and yupp. i went to the arcade with my sch uniform :X so freaking scaryyy, and itwas just to take neos :3 beep beep. boom boom. then went to shop for sis present and is was damn oppressing *.* and damnnn, my revision are left there, like ? i need chiong soon, wait, hell phone ringing again ****************************************************** ohkay, then was like heading to the zinc and other bag shops but all the bags look so ## ahhhh, I WANT TO WATCH MORE MOVIES! >> LOTS OF REVISION TO CHIONG >> BROKE FOR TH MONTH! :O >> I DUN LIKE S..... AND L..... so friggin left us out >> SHIRLENE GOT SCOLDED BY MS LEONG COS I SUCK >> Carnival is coming >> my e-zlink stinks of dung maybe. somehow HOLIDAYYS:D ohkay not really in the mood ): i've got to go back for CCA and yeapps. carnnivall is coming soon enough and i think im not prepared as much as expected my skills still suck and ms leong seem to dump me in the defence now means, NO MORE SHOOTING ahh damn, defending yvette was like damn hardd like wth, one second she's gone, then the next, she goes charging towards the ball and thrusting herself to the net so like WTH? I CANT FREAKING DEFEND YOU? supposingly im suppose to attackkkk and now its more obvious that the 2 shooters are amanda and abi :D they are good mannns comparedd to me 0:\ |