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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
HEY HEY HEY HAPPY HALLOWEEN ! :D whats up whats up ! :D ohkay, days are really boring frm now its all gonna be abt netball and netball ): PURE GRIEF but too badd uuhh and i'll be like having track as a 2nd cca D: so it will be once a weeek. for now FASCINATING. going out with xue ying tmr :DD first time in the damn year? TOT the keyboard is so damn irritatingg anyway, its halloween todayyy :DD its sad tht there's no party , but its such a pheww all those movies :O corrupted my mind and cause my imagination to flow really wildly :D ohkay so sad. im going to throw a halloween party next time and they are not allowed to dress that scarily theres rules y'know so its like quite dumb , and i din even do anything special tody!! ): oh yeah and i came across this really really duumb joke frm 98.7 dk which dj . she said tht she promised the joke she has will be really funny and chessy? -.- er? anyway here's the joke tht meant to be ... A JOKE. but turned out to be a ? What do you call a witch at a beach? SANDWHICH! :O soooo fuunyy laugh laugh laugh faints ohkay sincce its saturdayyy and really boring dayyyy i shld post really random stuff ohohoh i wan to thank ms leong of the private talk it was motivating and it really brought up my confidence not a lot. A LITTle but at least there is this small percentage;\ my damn fat ass sister is like typping so freaking loudly beside me she is super irritating and im serious she bosses people around and give you this damn qian bian look and she;s the one complaining that she doesnt want to look like me cos im too ugly too fat too gross SHES MEANNN anyway, back to the topic ms leong told me really short and great motivating stuff actually not all of th talk is meant for motivation its just abt the track stuff but of course some words tht she said motivated me without intention so now now now, i should work harder/.? ohkayy its a miracle i said tht to the topic of netball :3 >HEY RACHEL. HOPE YOUR UNLUCKY DAY STOPS :D >LEVIA CHILDISH IS LLAME. SERIOUS LAST DAY WITH 1UNITY 09 I KNOW ITS FREAKING SADD im here to thank my wonderful classmates that build us the name of crazies, i really really had a wonderful and enjoyable year laughing mugging everything all thanks to all of you guys and all of you are great great people seriously its sad that we part out ways next year end of sch term doesnt mean end of frenship right/? so lets move on as frens and mentally connect each other and take on what comes to us next year its been long knowing each other and we are now bonding like sisters so we shld be able to read one another clearly really will miss you guys UNTIY FTW! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN TING! :D you siao zha borh finally turned 13! ;O and yeahhs yeahhs you and your presents lucky womann, i've got no birthdays like tt . zz... i think you should just bang your head in the wall and wth this stupid keyboard keep making me press f11 like the ten thousandth time and so siann, tmr is wht? supposingingly marking day WITH CCA IN THE MORNING even my mc , i still had to go interesting {T.T} anyways, min ting I LOVE YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL & SUSANA heyy my wonderful girls ;D sorry but im suppose to post this DURING your birthday but, (smth happened? ;3) oh yeahh who cares, its the thought that counts rightt? ;) Just wanna wish you gals really had a wonderful, interesting useful and memorable day in this year so so so hope yall really love our presents we were really digging our heads in the choices of presents and so siann. tmr got javeline D: ohkay LOVE YOU GUYS (L) I'VE GOT A PRETTY BAD SUN TAN D: YES YES YES very bad quite bad bad its reddd. and then brown\: all bcos of the whole day under the sun :( but it was fun ;D wakakas yeashhh 161009 > SPORTS CARNIVAL 09 since it was like a compulsory thing for everyone and blah blah i chose represent our class with soccer ;D so the whole sch started with the first 2 games and IT DAMN STARTED TO RAIN so we had to go into indoor traditional games? err? -.- Felicia and i sneaked to the library ;X read seventeen and she was complaining of her cramps cant do anything for her rightt, and then HERE COMES THE SUN (finally) then proceeded to the games played soccer and here's the result ! Unity wins Unity wins Unity wins Draw SEMI FINALS! Unity wins FINALS Unity lost to FAITH aww but oh wells we rock! and got 2nd for overall! ;D stupid levia so pro in floorball and lekey was like," never cheer for meee " CHILDISHHHh and yeahhh ad thanks to the ppl who acknowledged my "signature move" omg so paisehhhh *blushh blushh* ohkay need to some card for rachel . ;o (: ENRICHMENT WEEK STARTS yeapps. in fact it lasts until the last day of school AND OMGOMG the year is going to an end so so soon! uhhhhmmm D: ohkay anyway back to the topic enrichment gave a good start today >:d and hope it gets better and better so todayy 0755-1011 INLINED SKATING it was pretty good , fun and exceptionally HOTT LIKE CRAZY so we were like with ourr helmets and gears went intermmediate since we knew how to do the basics alrdy and yeahh we went in cricles. braking, gliding and also figures of eight i did 8 continuous ;D and and and, the HELMET SUCKS i was like complaining to mr yeo that my damn helmet cant fit IN MY DAMN BIG HEAD >:( all the gears STINK and i didnt get the COOL BUT MADE IN STYROFOAM HELMET i want the cool wannt, and i ended up having to use the lousy black round no style heat absorbant HELMET which cant fit my head, shade me frm the sun make my head look a least bit nicer ;\ ahh so damnn pissed but oh wells, to whoever that will use my helmet GOOD LUCK i left my sweat , perspiration yeah whatever lah there, and i bet DETTOL wont help cos guess what "Relax, we alrdy sprayed dettol, and its ohkay if you smell dettol on your gears" and y'know what, it did not smell of dettol its like no different from the smell of sweat and plus, they cheated my feeling D: smellly D: but it was fun lahh :D 1045-1300 FINANCIAL LITERACY SO DAMN BORINGGG but anyway , learnt some interest rates, bank rates and blahh blahh got a book written by christian chua so yeah, this was damn boringg uhh, so lets hope enrichment gets better and fun! ;D HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST SYLVIA! LEVIA ! ohkay , to my both wonderful people ;D today is the day where you open your eyes in this world and also a day that i cherish you a lot very much, cos you know why? I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! so i shall write my 'electro-card' here and i really really wish y'all safe and happy as always SYLVIA One and only twin ;D ! <3> When i first entered the family of 5A. I was like a total stranger to everybody Everyone there was so close to each other while i was just like O.O# and then ---- i was with xue ying blah blah YOU INVITED ME TO YOUR CLIQUE! it was strange and akward at first but you were so frenly and warm so touched (sniff sniff) D: ohkay anyway, by the time i really was close with you guys i actually really really really grateful of the day you wanted me to join you guys. and i think it was a great choice for me to stay so close everyone else :D and actually felt more included in the class through our frenship (: when i got my PSLE result and realise we both could actually go to the same schh! i was so despreate to coach you into goin th same sch as me, but i guess i just could not choose BP (MY PARENTS DID NOT ALLOW) but partly bcos i wanted to go other sch instead// wish you receive my very heartfelt wishes :DD LEVIA heyyy childish freakk :D yeahhs yeahhs' its your day tht i really hope you get MATURE NAHH just kiddin actually i kinda of mean it >:3 idklahlah SUPER LOVE YOU! Even though you are unbelievably childish and it was kinds sad to know you dun really like th class for the first few months so i hope you finally find th joy in class and you shld know that its not how well the class communicate tgether and also your closest frens tht brings joy to your sch life having a good cca alrdy make you a very very interesting person in sch life you enjoy it so much, that you love it together with the frens you know you go through the pain and work tgether in th game anywayy, 我爱你! WILL GET YOU A BIG BIG PRESENT ;D LOVE YOU! RAHHH RAHH yahhh! since when did i last blogged? long long ago blahhs nvm so here i am blogging agn ;D training as tough as always and im now stressed of net ball and my stupid medical attention:O GASTRITIS IS GETTING BACK AND WORSE >:D AND TO FAITH'S SEXY BABY! you should really love her like crazy she is a mad woman! and she really is a rocking good good good good girl' APPRECIATE HER! im so touched if i were you ;3 IM JUST SO DAMN STRESSED-FEVER the wave is back ! :O uhhhmmm im a hell lot stress again, oohh damn whts th prob with me agn DDD: rachel's brownie is like gone >:O and its like gave away, wthwth is like freaking cute, and now its gone :O and yeahhhs 2 more test t freedoom. whhoo JIA YOU EVERYONE! && I STILL OWE KIM A PRESENT |