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so sleep alone tonight
Hey peeps YUTING(; shall declare her love and devotion of this planetEARTH and ST NICKS She may be considered a
proud And she wishes that her HUMOUR♥ is not affected by her ♥DUMB 13 year old brain She hates to blow candles but LOVE to recieve during ♥5 DECEMBER LOTS of complains but she stays strong, like how i want you guys out there to be A little smile wont hurt, she likes to SMILE-LAUGH-GIGGLE She CRAPS Alot(: SHE LOVES YOU!♥ |
YUTING KEEPS THIS PLACEYuTing Ong ![]() Create your badge RANTS AND CHANTS :D wish.wish.wish, girl wants a polariod camera learn electric guitar and have one acoustic guitar dickies/jansport bags bling my stuff AND SHE GETS IT
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Sunday 22/11 hehh hehh sentosa! so it was kind of a family day for my aunt's company and its freaking sunny tht afternoon so it was like O.O kinda lke a carnival and we got lame lame stuff like ice cream and COLOURING CONTEST? hahas, so i guess they expected kids lao le jiu shi zhe yang zzz. not much lehhs then free and easy went around and around AND AROUND since we din really know where we were heading to but but but we went underwater world :D shall update my photos later ! or maybe not Monday23/11 freaking sick :O so i had to miss farewell so yepp yepp Tuesday 24/11 first day of chalet :D no one came so only my sis side came Kim :D so we went out and blah blah played and stuff. was a short day so not muchh ahh night just went to bbq marshmallow was damn lame (: hhas. just practically stood there and waited for our marshmallows to be rdy WEDNESDAY 25-11 hehheh they came :D settled down and watched some shows thn off to escape! playlike crazy and apparently we took cab to wherever we go and some drivers just have NO IDEA WHERE IS PASIR RIS AVE so this taxi driver dropped me min ting and rachel off at the WROND PLACE TOTALLY FAR AWAY FROM OUR HOUSE REALLY so we took like 1h or so toget back :O then played at the beach :D is damn fun WE WERE FREAKING WET LAH zzz. freaking fun im so going to th beach with them again! :DD heyy heyys :D so yeappps tmr is strt of chalet and th bacterias in my body chose to "activate" and i had to miss TRACK FAREWELL PARTY but oh wells , since my role is so freaking pathetic so , its kinda ohkay hahass yahh D; and my dad fell sick too tskk tskk : cross fingers for tmr D: and guys, i'll text you all tmr for confirmation :DD Backk from Jurong point :D so yeapp trained to jurong east to find rachel then wanted to repair my phone and stuff D: but hmms hmms JURONG POINT IT FREAKING AT BOON LAY D: and i realised it when i was goin IMM ): but nvm nvm :3 so was like walking around then rachel wanted to buy me SKELETON SHOES then i was like nonono D: so freaking waste $$ then wanted her to buy her boots and oh please boots is like sooo much better than that but considerable :DD my sis said it doesnt look nice on me D; ahh she doesnt like anything on me >:/ yeahhs so we walked around and went face shop (omgomg nice nice!) and saw super super nice lip gloss :DD and rachel bought a lot a lot of stuff :O and then met mum and went jurong poin t the REAL ONE and then found the sony shop but they said cant repair D: so decided to check warranty due date then went starhub and sony both also cant check >;/ so yeahh, sadd went challenger , wanted to find rachel's handphone stuff then ended up finding really really nice head phones SHE BOUGHT IT FOR 50 BUCKS hmms hmms veryy nicee ehh freak shocking pinkk :DD and since mum was sick\ so i din go guitar D: hmms hmms im hesistating abt mondayy D: BLABBER~ hey guys :3 ystrdy match was a sucess i guess :SD hehh hehh. st nicks to st.joseph's convent 18 : 6 yeaahh :O even though i only got to play ONE PATHETIC QUARTER im proud of the team :D many many more matches coming out :S so we have to like really prepare ourselves and also its like some kind of "audition" for nxt year's competition like im the many many pros in our team getting me in is like. y'know wht i meann TOT tmr;s going to be a toughh match agains mgs :OOO double gasps cos i just ffreaking did like ten thousand push ups and ME LEFT ARM IS SO DAMN PAIN anyway it doesnt really make diff cos she only thinks i cn play for 1/4 only oh and yahh GS from opp team pushed me freaking hard thanks a lot chick im currently aching like crazy now so its like my knee inflammation X2 and my shoulders D: track was reall slackk :D and its fun ! :DDDD ohhkayyy, so i see mr yeo's back ! :DDDDDDD: and it was damn awkward cos mrs soh was like calling out to me frm th d&T room and she asked me why i was there thn im like :OO wthwth WHAT TO SAY so now i know only ms leong ms lim ms chan knew about my "tiao cao" stuff :3 and im freaking looking forward for tmr;s BODY WORLD ;D annnd SUSANA CANT GO MY CHALET!!!! DDDDD: haishhh haishh >> anw thanks faithh<3333 Howdy howddyy hmms hmms holidays are getting reall borinng and yeashh i have alreeady decomposed and like what levia said break down into smaller pieces , D: yesterdayy was so so so ( ) idk how to put IT sooo i guess i shld just quote it ! what elsee ohh yeahh so we gathered as a family and apparently did nth except praise my sister praise my brother praise my mother praise my father / / / OH YEAH i din forget smth yeahh i DINT anywayys i was sp boredd there and apparently i just stare at my phone fidgeting AND MY PHONE IS SPOILEDD I CANT HEAR THE OPP CALL!! so yeahhs im going to repair it soon b4 the warranty is OVERRR lol wonder what the ppl there will say when they see my phone O.o >> WHERE THE FISH IS CCAB??? >>WHAT THE HECK IS CCAB??? >> I SUDDENLY FEEL LIKE TALKING TO FAITHH <33 FAITH CHEONG IMY! MY SCREWED UP HAIRRR :O its freaking shorttt, D: ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG its puffed up and apparently the aunty gave me a fringe?!! I DIDNT ASK FOR ANY and and and now i have to run with my hair bouncing up and downn so annoyinngg, and everyone claims its nice FISHHHH ahh nvm i'll wait till it growss :DD and yeashhhh finally going out on thurs !<333 you shld know how im rotting at homee ION ORCHARDDD ! wakaka' and siannn netball laater and have to go to the library b4 that and look at the sun its HUGE still have months and weeks and days away from the last day\ OF TRAINING and get only a pathetic 1 week break and WHAMP! training again and again and again AHHHHHHHH ohkayy gtg D: DID I MENTION MY HAIR IS SUPER GROSS? |